Interview Tips

General Guidelines – Competency Test /Skilled Test/ Interview – South Korea
  • The Korean language Test will be conducted through Computer based only.
  • Applicants who passed the Language test will be referred to competency test and skilled test prior to the Interview.
  • Competency Test

If you have professional /Vocational certificates you should hand over them to SLBFE Officers at the competency tests which are held at SLBFE Centers.

The Original certificates should submit at the Skill test which are conducted by HRD South Korea.

  • Skill Test

At the skill test Physical fitness and skills are examined and assessed by HRD South Korea.  According to the job sector of the applicants separate skill tests are conducted.

General Interview Guidelines - Japan

Professional Appearance:

Dress appropriately for the interview. In Japan, business attire is generally conservative, so opt for formal clothing.


Body Language:

Maintain good posture, make eye contact, and offer a firm handshake. Your nonverbal cues play a significant role in how you’re perceived.



Aim to arrive at the interview location well ahead of time. Being punctual shows respect for the interviewer’s time and indicates your reliability.


Stay Calm and Confident:

It’s normal to feel nervous, but try to manage your nerves. Take deep breaths, speak clearly, and believe in your abilities.


Positive Attitude:

Maintain a positive and enthusiastic attitude throughout the interview. Employers often value candidates who can bring a positive energy to the workplace.


Know Your Role:

Understand the specific job role and responsibilities you’re applying for. Be prepared to discuss how your skills and experience align with the requirements of the position.


Cultural Awareness:

Japan has a unique culture, and it’s important to demonstrate your understanding and respect for their customs and traditions. Research Japanese business etiquette, greetings, and common practices.


Language Proficiency:

Depending on the role and company, you might be expected to have a certain level of proficiency in Japanese. Practice your language skills, especially if the interview is conducted in Japanese. Even if you’re not fluent, showing effort and willingness to communicate in Japanese can be beneficial.


Show Adaptability:

TITP involves working in a foreign country with a different culture and language. Emphasize your adaptability and openness to new experiences. Mention any previous experiences where you successfully adapted to new environments.


Emphasize Safety and Compliance:

The TITP programs place a strong emphasis on workplace safety and compliance with Japanese laws and regulations. Mention your commitment to following guidelines and ensuring a safe work environment.


Teamwork and Communication:

Highlight your ability to work effectively in a team and communicate with colleagues from diverse backgrounds. TITP often involves collaborating with people from different countries.



General Interview guidelines - Israel

Active Listening:


Interviewers pay attention to how well you listen and understand the questions being asked. They want to see if you provide thoughtful responses that directly address the queries.


Communication Skills:


Effective communication is crucial in any role. Interviewers assess how well you articulate your thoughts, ideas, and experiences. They also look for clear and concise communication and the ability to adapt your communication style to different audiences.


Emotional Intelligence:


This refers to your ability to understand and manage your emotions and empathize with others. Interviewers may ask situational questions to evaluate how you handle emotions, conflicts, and interactions with colleagues or customers.




Interviewers want to know how you approach challenges and solve problems. They may ask about past experiences where you encountered difficulties and how you overcame them.


Teamwork and Collaboration:


Companies value employees who can work effectively in teams. Interviewers will inquire about your experience working in groups and your contributions to achieving common goals.




The business environment can change rapidly, so adaptability is crucial. Interviewers may ask how you handle change, unexpected situations, or how you cope with shifting priorities.




Leadership qualities are valued even if the role you’re applying for is not explicitly a managerial position. Interviewers might ask about times when you’ve taken the initiative or influenced others positively.


Time Management:


Being able to prioritize tasks and manage time efficiently is essential in the workplace. Interviewers may ask how you handle tight deadlines or how you stay organized.


Conflict Resolution:


Interviewers want to know how you handle conflicts and disagreements constructively. They may ask about past experiences where you resolved a conflict with a colleague or customer.


Positive Attitude:


Demonstrating a positive and optimistic attitude can make a significant impact during an interview. Employers look for candidates who can bring positivity to the workplace.




Companies value employees who take initiative and are self-motivated to accomplish tasks and goals. Interviewers may ask about times when you showed self-motivation in your previous roles.


Interpersonal Skills:


Being able to build and maintain good relationships with colleagues, clients, and customers is highly valued. Interviewers may assess how well you connect with others during the interview process.