When registering for the first time.
On moving to another employer other than the last registered employer.
In case of traveling abroad on a tourist visa and obtaining a work visa and returning abroad to the same employer (on a re-entry visa).

In case of going abroad to the same employer last registered (on re-entry visa).
In case of moving to another country for employment under the same employer as last registered
In case of receiving a new visa/employment contract from the last registered employer (must not have moved abroad to another employer other than the same employer after the last registration)

Passport (must be valid for 6 months).
Valid visa
Service Agreement (when traveling abroad on a new visa)
Family Background Report (For Women)

Information about the Family Background report (FBR)/ Children care plan report

In order to protect the children of female migrant workers, discourage unskilled female migrant workers to leave the country for foreign employment and ensure the professional maturity of female domestic workers, the family background report has been introduced as per the Cabinet decisions dated 2007.03.15, 2013.02.05 and 2016.10.13.

Accordingly, females aged 45 or below who expect to leave for foreign employment must obtain a report on the care plan of the children between the age of 02 years and 18 years from the Development officers in District Secretariat Office for granting SLBFE’s registration and it is mandatory requirement for the SLBFE’s registration.

The Family Background report (Children care plan report) is not required for the following categories

The female leaving for foreign employment whose age is above 45 years should submit self-declaration with regard to the care plans of the children between the age of 02 years and 18 years.
Leaving for employment within 09 month after returning of registered migrant worker.

Israel – Home-Based Caregiver job opportunities for Female workers.
Japan- IM Japan Recruitment Programme –Recruiting Technical Intern Trainees.
IRO Recruitment Programme.
SSW -Job vacancies are not available by now. If the vacancies received published through SLBFE official website and Facebook page.

SSW- Specified Skill Worker recruitment Programme.
I. Food service Industry
II. Nursing care worker
III. Agriculture

Above these skill test conducting by Japan Government. If interested people can get information from below links.